Capacity Australia runs regular workshops or can develop a workshop or presentation according to your organisation’s needs. Our trainers/presenters are specialists in the capacity area with backgrounds including in law, medicine, psychiatry, neuropsychology and nursing.

Capacity Australia runs regular workshops (see dates below) or can develop a workshop or presentation according to your organisation’s needs. Our trainers/presenters are specialists in the capacity area with backgrounds including in law, medicine, psychiatry, neuropsychology and nursing.

Capacity Australia provides education and training in the following areas:

  • human rights and decision-making capacity
  • supported or assisted decision-making
  • assessing decision-making capacity
  • planning ahead – powers of attorney, enduring guardianship, advance care directives, wills and other similar documents
  • capacity and medical and dental decisions
  • person responsible
  • guardianship and administration/financial management and
  • prevention of abuse, neglect and exploitation of people who may lack decision-making capacity.

Our training is tailored to each individual State or Territory as the relevant law regarding decision-making capacity differs throughout Australian jurisdictions. Additionally, modules have been developed for various sectors, addressing issues specific to the audience.

Discuss your personal or professional training requirements