“Rights Risks to Older People in COVID-19 Response”
In addition to a greater risk of serious and life-threatening complications from COVID-19 infection, ageism, discriminatory attitudes and action are also threatening older people’s rights as some governments place restrictions on freedom of movement based on age. This extreme social isolation can result in “severe, even life-threatening, physical and mental health conditions, including cognitive decline.”
Read more about combating ageism and ensuring access to health care and services on the Rights Risks to Older People in COVID-19 Response article on the Human Rights Watch website.
Source: Rights Risks to Older People in COVID-19 Response 2020, Human Rights Watch, viewed 7 April 2020, <https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/07/rights-risks-older-people-covid-19-response>
Image source: Human Rights Watch